Estimated 1 Rep Max CAlculator
Use this calculator to find your estimated one-rep max (e1RM) for both POWERLIFTING (barbell exercises) and STREETLIFTING (weighted calisthenics exercises).
Put in the weight you lifted, the amount of reps completed of that weight and your bodyweight.
We use the Epley, Brzycki, and Lander formulas, which estimate your maximum lift based on the weight you lifted and the number of reps you performed.
For POWERLIFTING the calculator uses data points of the weight lifted and number of reps performed.
For STREETLIFTING, the calculator includes your bodyweight in the calculation. The e1RM for streetlifting exercises is dynamically scaled based on both the weight lifted and your bodyweight.
Once the e1RM is calculated, the results are rounded to the nearest achievable weight using standard gym plates (20kg, 10kg, 5kg, 2.5kg, and 1.25kg).
For POWERLIFTING, the weight is balanced on each side of the barbell, while for STREETLIFTING, the result is adjusted to match available plate combinations.Item description